Tessie, in her infinite wisdom, reminded me that we should paint the walls before putting in the floors. Sometimes she is way ahead of me. It's a good thing. She's right. Although I can be working on the floors out of the house. I still should paint before installing them.

Not so good however, her favorite color is PUCE! We learn something every day. Did you know that "The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) dates the use of "puce" (in couleur puce) from 1787. The word comes from French; puce literally means "flea", as the usual flea coloration is either dark reddish-brown or dark purplish-brown.". In other words, Tessie loves the color of fleas! That's just plain weird! I hate to admit it, but after looking at it, I kind of liked it too. So puce it is for at least the top floor. It is a little darker than the photo shows, but it's not bad.

I didn't want to go through the same thing for the bottom floor. She kept mentioning mauve. I thought that would be too much of a good thing. I told her that I only had enough of three colors from which she could choose. So I fibbed a little. I think that she forgot all about the two drawers where I keep the paint. We decided on Trail Tan Ceramcoat. She said that would look good with her hutch. Black and orange doesn't play well with mauve.
I cleared out the bottom floor and started painting. True to her word, she dragged down the wicker chair and footstool that I made for her old digs. She plunked it down in the middle of the floor to watch me paint! To make matters worse, she stole my favorite crocheted silk afghan and put Friskie on her lap for company.There they sat all the time I was painting. Paint around her I did.
The trail tan doesn't show up too well in the photo. I think that it will be better once I get the timbers on. I kept hearing"You missed a spot over there." and What about the hole in the ceiling? Now that you have it patched, aren't you going to paint it?" Oh and my favorite...."Where are the doors and windows? I'm getting a chill!" I finally told her to go crawl under the covers in bed if she was soooooo cold. I think that made her angry.

The first thing I knew she disappeared, Chair and all.I looked in the bedroom and there she was! She was on top of the covers. She couldn't have been all that cold, although she still has my afghan and refuses to give it back. She is now absorbed in looking up spells to make things go faster in the Witches' Handbook.(This is a real book, if you are interested. Very funny.) I told her if she doesn't knock it off I am going to go on strike! She has settled in for the durration. Every once in a while I hear a heavy sigh from her and Friskie hisses at me.
I'm working as fast as I can! See you tomorrow.
Brilliant Casey, I'm loving the story. Please come over to my blog and enter my Birthday Give Away..
Mini Hugs
I love your story about Tessie.
My girls and I have really been enjoy the story of Tessie moving into the cottage!
She has such a sassy personality. :)
You're going fast, Tessie nows what she wants. My douhgter's name is Tessa, she nows what she wants to!!
All these years, I thought puce was a vivid lime/olive green. This is a pretty color.
I just began reading her story! so funny, love the crochet ! did you do it ? hugs Stephanie
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