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Sunday, December 14, 2008

Forget the Chimney......

I have been setting up more Christmas displays today. I did use the basket workshop for one of them. Here it is. Every year I set up some kind of scene on the top of this Chinese chest. I am liking the basket shop a lot. It adapted to this use very well. All I did was use an old cheapo Christmas tree skirt for the snow. And the trees I already had so no expense there. Santa and the snowman, same thing. They were old tree ornaments. I tore up some fiber fill for the snow on the roof and tucked some in around the stones and bushes. Please ignore the fact that Santa has to use the front door. I was planning on this being a work shop in a warm climate. Anyway, there you have it. Instant Christmas.

Another Christmas tradition around here is decorating the Above Par Golf shop front porch. My husband is a Snoopy fan so the Peanuts gang get to come to the party every year.
The snowman golfer sneaked in a couple of years ago. I try to find something pertaining to golf to decorate with when I see it.

Last but not least, I got around to the big stuff the other day. This guy is standing in our front yard. You have to understand that it has only snowed a couple of times in the Christmas season in all of the years that I have lived here.....OK, so it snowed once on Easter, but that hardly counts. That was just weird! I made him out of a twin sized quilt bat and stuffed him with fiberfill. He is built around a piece of PVC pipe. I did it so that his PVC pipe slides down over a garden post that I have hammered into the ground. Right now he is off his post. The wind is blowing hard and it's supposed to rain sometime today.....Nope. No snow in site. When you live in Arizona, you have to make your own out of whatever you have lying around the house.

I will get back to the rugs later today. Right now making real live peanutbutter fudge and cookies is more important. See you tomorrow.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Casey, the Basket Shop looks great in the setting you've made.. That Peanut Butter Fudge sounds very Yummy..