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Saturday, December 13, 2008

I'm Late!!!

Sorry I'm late today! I got distracted a lot. I went Christmas shopping with my daughter this morning. Then we met my husband to go see "The Day the Earth Stood Still". The reason that it was standing still is the movie was NOT very moving. Maybe they should have named it "The Day the Earth Took a Nap". After that we went to TGIF's for a late lunch. That pretty much shot the day.

I hurried home and started a couple of Bunka Christmas rug designs for you. I will not have it finished until tomorrow. You can enlarge the pattern to whatever size you want the finished rug to be. Mine is about a 3 1/2" diameter. I am making the leaves two shades of green, the berries red and the outer edge red and white candy cane colors. At present I am thinking about the background of the center. There is a tutorial on Bunka rugs here.
The smaller one will be a door mat. The same red and white for the border, black Noel and again I am thinking about the background so far.
Here's what I have done so far. No. I didn't get too much done. I will have it finished tomorrow.
I am thinking maybe I will turn the basket shop into a holiday scene, since I already put the wreath on the door. Maybe the mouse needs a cozy rug to curl up on when Mr. Basketmaker isn't around.

I had other distractions yesterday. This hawk is a frequent luncheon guest in my back yard. He is getting quite bold. I have to really jump up and down and yell a lot to get him to leave. A couple of times I have even had to take the power washer on the hose and threaten him with it. He seems to think that this is a great place for him to pig out on doves. It's not a pretty site when he catches one, so I try to discourage him most of the time unless he gets one before I hear him out there. The smaller birds hide in the bushes and make a terrible racket, so I know when he's in the area.

BTW, he is sitting on our porch swing in the photo. It is about six feet from the back door. Yes. He saw me taking the photos and for all intents and purposes struck a pose for me! It's kind of a love-hate relationship that I have with him.

Anyway, back to minis now. I am going to go finish the rug. I will show it to you tomorrow. See you then.

1 comment:

Katie said...

I bet the kitties have a good time watching him! :)

Poor Doves!!!