I won't bore you long today. I made a bunch of rings with the swirl beads and buttons. Here they are in all their glory. The swirls are simply made with holes in the back to take the 18 gage copper wire. The button rings are made of buttons from my grandma's button box. I use the ones that are only one or two of a kind. I wrap the wire around a ring sizer a couple of times and then bend them up so that they will go through the holes in the buttons. Then the chosen buttons are stacked from large to small and the wire twisted to hold them in place. It sounds easy enough. The hardest part is finding just the right buttons. The second hardest part is getting the wire to curl and hold the buttons firmly in place.

Here's another mirror bead ink blot for you. These two are on one bead. I think that two sides are enough to keep you busy.
I know. You are all waiting for the mini part to come along. This is the last day that I will do this to you for a while, so here you go. Don't nag!
http://barblottominis.homestead.com/Index.html This lady's food makes you want to go cook something. Your mouth will be watering.
http://www.thechinadoll.com/myminiatures.htm This is just the miniature section of Connie Sauve's much larger website "The China Doll". The reason that I am putting it in is, some of you may have looked and saw that some of the thumbnails at the bottom had red Xs instead of photos. I discovered that what you get if you poke the titles is a whole lot better! You get to go to a Webshots site that shows you how she made them! LOTS of photos of the projects in progress. OK so you already figured it out. I didn't and I am betting that a couple other people were as dense as I am.....
http://www.geocities.com/justauntb/index.html Nope. I haven't tried this yet. Maybe some of you will get brave enough to do it. Let me know the results if you do.
http://www.thechinadoll.com/myminiatures.htm This is just the miniature section of Connie Sauve's much larger website "The China Doll". The reason that I am putting it in is, some of you may have looked and saw that some of the thumbnails at the bottom had red Xs instead of photos. I discovered that what you get if you poke the titles is a whole lot better! You get to go to a Webshots site that shows you how she made them! LOTS of photos of the projects in progress. OK so you already figured it out. I didn't and I am betting that a couple other people were as dense as I am.....
http://www.geocities.com/justauntb/index.html Nope. I haven't tried this yet. Maybe some of you will get brave enough to do it. Let me know the results if you do.
I am going to go hide in a corner now. I am sick of poly clay. I just want to mini!
See you tomorrow.
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