This morning I went in there and I made the mistake of picking up one of the 8" shadow boxes that I had started a year or so ago. I had already built a foam core insert. I had cut the wallpaper to fit. Then I hit a wall. I couldn't figure out what I wanted to put inside.

About the same time I picked up my work box that has the purse supplies and finished purses in it. I kept thinking that it is a shame not to put the purses out somewhere so that I could look at them once in a while. The wheels started turning. Shadow box + purses = a collection. I went to the furniture department and found a shelf unit. I had used it for something at one time and now it needed a lot of tender loving care.
My daughter calls my workroom the "Mom Store". There is good reason. If she needs anything crafty, chances are she can find it in there. That way it is free. I treat the room the same way. I buy things at garage sales and thrift shops as well as at half price sales. Then I store them away until they are needed. Thus the furniture dept., the purse supply dept. and lots of other departments that have various needed, but not necessarily now, things by category.
I went to the molding and strip wood dept.(drawer) and found some chair rail, crown molding, baseboard and tiny cove molding.
I cut and glued some small crown molding under the top. Then small chair rail to the uprights and the baseboard went around the bottom.

I didn't apply the cove until I got the unit stained. I stained the cove separately and then glued it on.
After finishing the shelving unit with varnish, sanding, varnish, sanding, varnish, I glued it into the foam core box. Then I picked out some purses to fill it up.
Here's the finished unit. I left the glass out to take the photo. Otherwise you wouldn't be able to see the collection.
It is now finished and I am ready to hang it somewhere where I can see it every day, probably the bedroom.

You may be asking by now what happened to the basket shop. It is sitting on the table where you last saw it. It is patiently waiting for it's turn. I am torn between working on it and doing some more cleaning in the workroom...... Right now the workroom is winning. It is bigger than the basket shop. It is screaming loudly for attention. The basket shop is only whispering.
At least I finished something today. Granted, it wasn't what I have been working on, but I did start it first, so it's only fair that it gets finished first.
Hand me that whip and chair. I am going in! I will conquer the workroom!
See you tomorrow if I make it out alive!
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