I actually found my worktable! It was under a foot of stuff. And I do mean stuff. I couldn't even call most of it supplies. About half went into the trash bin. I love my worktable. I really missed it. Now I have a small place to do small things.

I have been putting stuff away and throwing out for a couple of days now. I can do it this week because my husband is in Utah until Friday. I don't have to stop to clean up the rest of the house of cook. No excuses left for not doing it. Don't ask what the rest of the house is going to look like by Friday. My workroom will be, er I mean my Atelier will be clean.
However, when it comes to taking photos of my progress, this is where the selective creativity comes into play. You will notice that I have cropped all of the photos so close that you can't see the floor or adjoining areas. This one looks pretty good. I took it facing the window so that the glare protects you from seeing the excess stuff on the desk.....

Next we have the closet area. All of the drawers can now be closed. The wallpaper is all in it's own cubbyhole.
Please disregard the monkey hanging by his tail from the ceiling fan cord. He is there for comic relief when I start jumping up and down on things to deliberately break them. Then I have an excuse to throw them away instead of finding a place for them. He reminds me not to get that serious.
Again, you will see the artfully cropped floor and the outside of the closet. I think I am getting the hang of this creativity thing. All you have to do is cut the questionable stuff out of the picture. This is starting to be fun. 

Here's the side that I face when sitting at the worktable.....It's the one that I am working on right now. It has not had the treatment. I still need to do some selecting and creating.
Since this one is a work in progress, there are some pretty messy areas. Every once in a while I go to one of my inspirational websites to keep me going.... No it's not religious or philosophical. It's the most amazing workspace for a craft person that I have run across. If you go to this site and go up to the top of the page and poke the little thumbnails you can see what I mean. http://www.teeshamoore.com/my_studio.htm This woman must either have a maid that cleans up after her or else she never works in the space. It has to be just for show. The floors shine!!!Give me that studio and I would have it in working condition in nothing flat. Oh well. I can dream. You can go and look at the rest of her site to see what she claims to do in that spottless room. Impossible!
I am going to go hide in a corner and sort tiny things now.
See you tomorrow.
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