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Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor day?

Does that mean that we have to work? It seems to me that it would make more sense to call it Laid Back Day or Goof Off Day. As it was, I worked on the Buttercup Bookshop in one way or another all day. I feel guilty if I don't work on Labor Day.

I carved another leg for the Chippendale chair. I got tired of that, so I switched to putting some rocks on the outside. I got tired of that and decided to switch to the needlework cushion for the chair. This is the status of the chair. OK, so it looks pretty much like yesterday. I did another leg and another arm. I can only do it for so long and I have to do it with a lighted magnifier.
As for the outside stone. I got this far before the pizza got here. What is more important? There is no contest between stones and pizza!

All of the time I was doing this, I was watching DVDs of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Yes. I have a not so secret vice. I loved that show. Not so much the last two seasons, but the first five are one of my all time favorite series. When I can't find anything on normal TV, I go to DVDs of Buffy or Gilmore Girls.
Then there was the cushion for the chair. I dug out some #40 silk gauze(stitches per linear inch) and first I tried some DMC linen thread. Interesting experiment. I see why no one ever recommends using linen on silk canvas now. The silk had the linen thread for lunch. It chewed through it really fast. I went back to the old standby silk. You can see just a little of the linen on the left. It got fuzzy and limp before I could get across a line of the gauze. The width of the stitchery is 73 stitches and it covers 1 7/8".The photo is actually about the same size as the real thing. If you blow it up it is way bigger. I did a simple scalloped bargello design over 3 threads vertically. You go vertically over three threads, then take one step down over 3, then go down one step and do 3 stitches at the same level. Work back up the other side of the scallop in a mirror image. The point of each scallop is a shared stitch. I just held it up to the cushion form to make sure that it was wide enough to wrap around and I will just keep going until it is long enough. This kind of stitchery doesn't need a lot of blocking. It probably won't take too long. Maybe another 3 episodes of Buffy.

Happy Labor Day..... Back to the miniatures. See you tomorrow.

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