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Friday, September 14, 2018

Never Trust a Lable!

  I am doing the staircase by stumbling my way through it. 

I put a couple of the steps together this morning. 

I read the labels on my strips of wood.  Several of them were labeled "Stair Risers".

Evidently my interpretation is different than the manufacturer's.
I first noticed that they really weren't the right height when they were just sitting on my lap desk next to Kota...

I then put them in the tower... Nope Not right at all.  Tessie would have to crawl up them and hang on for dear life! They were about up to her knee! Yes, she's short. But not that short!

I am going to have to cut my own risers and start over. Rats!

They just aren't right height wise.  So much for reading labels!

 Tessie is not much help.  She was all for putting Mini Wax on her feet and walking up them.

I don't wish to be sued by a mini witch for injuries received whilst climbing my stairs!

She would win!

I am going to quit for today and start over tomorrow. It is just NOT my day.

Tomorrow I will start over and cut my own risers

Yes. I have another idea.  Probably more hair brained than todays effort.  I am going to have to make a run to the lumber yard tomorrow.

See you after my next try!

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