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Sunday, January 28, 2018

Not One Mini!

It was one of those days.  Neither Tessie or myself wanted to go anywhere near minis today.

I spent some time out in the backyard this morning.  Trying to get things going.  It won't be long before I have to start planting things. 

Tessie refused to help.  She said it was too cold.  She stayed inside watching the clock and kept reporting to me the time...

About 10:00 I started playing with the new Instant Pot.  I have only made two things so far, but I think that, if I keep at it, I will conquer it.

Later, Tessie did agree to help me clean out one of the boxes of jewelry supplies... That lasted about 5 minutes.

 She stayed long enough to see that there were no supplies for making mini jewelry and then disappeared.

Actually there were some in there but she missed them.  I certainly wasn't going to call her back and show her.  That would lead to making her some new jewelry... Not happening.
I then went to the kitchen to make something for dinner and she proceeded to work on my socks....

Well. She may have worked on them, but she certainly didn't get more than an couple of stitches finished.  Certainly not a whole sock!

I think that I will go work on those some more before bedtime.  Back to the needles.

See you tomorrow.


Walter Rice said...

Hi. Just testing comments.

Isabel Ruiz said...

¡Bonitas composiciones para las fotos!