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Thursday, January 18, 2018

Kota Did It!

OK. I can't really blame the mess on Kota this time.  This is what happens when I decide to do stonework in the bedroom...

Kota was just taking a  nap. I made the mess...
 I finished the stonework on the top of the room box. I am still not sure that I like the flat roof.  I may have to do something to fancy it up.

Yes. Tessie is still asleep. I took the box top over to the bed and did the rocks over there. Every once in a while I could hear heavy sighs over there... They were alternating with loud snoring. 

Mostly, it was the snoring.  I don't think that I was disturbing her.  The noise was irritating me though....
 This is the finish that I am considering for the rocks on the bedroom. 

I like this finish and I think that it would go well with the interior.

I may have to think about it, but it is top on my list.
While looking for other things to consider for castle rooms, I thought of this birdcage.  I would probably make the back three panels the same rock work as the other two. 

I am thinking that it would lend itself to a library and maybe an observatory in the top dome. 

Just considering it. 

I am going back to work on the stonework on the bedroom now.

One thing at a time.

See you tomorrow.

1 comment:

Giac said...

Hello Casey,
I love the bedroom roombox, but if the flat roof bothers you did you ever consider adding castellation?
Big hug
N.B. Kota is soooo cute!