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Thursday, December 7, 2017

Other Things Happening...

Our back porch looks haunted! Plants covered in bed sheets all over the yard!

It is supposed to freeze tonight... This is the same place that, a couple of weeks ago, the weather was in the 80s and  breaking records for high temps.

So I spent an hour or so covering plants this afternoon.
I have put Albert and Daisy in charge of gift wrapping.  That is, they are taking care of the paper, boxes, ribbons and other wrapping things.
Amare's sock is almost full and that is NOT a small sock.

That should keep him busy for about ten minutes on Christmas morning...
I am still chugging away on finding things to fill the room box.

I did get a couple more rows done on the shawl that I am crocheting.

The Terrible Two plus One are holding down the fort in the room box.  I am going to send them in for some serious accessory hunting in the workroom tomorrow. I have to get busy on the rest of the furniture.

Wish me luck... Christmas is coming... FAST!!!

See you tomorrow.


meemaw said...

LOL! Haunted is the word! A ghost is out there, cradling a poor empty flowerpot. The shadow in the background really makes that photo. Sometimes the best pictures are sort of unintentional. Anyway I hope it worked, and your plants are alright. Enjoy your day, Casey!

Isabel Ruiz said...

Espero que no les pase nada a las plantas y el trabajo de sus frutos.