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Friday, December 15, 2017

More Cleaning...

Some of these, I am just cleaning up.  I am not decorating for Christmas.

This quarter scale does not really qualify for Christmas decorations.  After all, it is in the desert and no pine trees around.
 I guess that I could put a Christmas tree in this one, but again, it is not really right for Christmas dressing.

So.  Cleaning is what it gets.
 The houses that I have that are candidates for exterior dressing get some snow and a few pine trees... nothing fancy.

I need to fix the snow on this one... Not very well done yet.
This one always gets snow.  This is the first time I have bothered to put greenery out. I may have to go and find a few of my battery operated Christmas mini lights.

I am going to have to look for those tomorrow.  Wish me luck in finding them... The last time I looked, they were in the electrical drawer... But I may have taken them out to get ready for Christmas... If I did, I have no idea where I put them.

I did finish the shawl today.

I still have a couple of pieces of furniture to make for Amare's room box.  One week and two days until Christmas... Oops. I guess I should get to work!

See you tomorrow.

1 comment:

Wendy Luane Barber said...

Congratulations on finishing your shawl. And your mini lights are very safe. your house.