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Monday, October 16, 2017

Tessie and Albert....

We went to see the new Tom Cruse movie this morning.  When I left Tessie was trying out a new pie recipe... I am not sure about the ingredients...
Apples are ok, but I am not sure what is in the jar labeled "Magic".  She made the statement that she was making the pie especially for me... Not a good sign...

Then she proceeded to tell me about this guy she knew before I was born... Also not a good sign...
It seems that she is claiming that she was on speaking terms with Albert... A long time ago.

Now she wants me to recreate him in miniature, so that she can have her friend back.

This whole conversation is making me very nervous...

She's standing there with a jar labeled "Magic" and I am supposed to do Albert in mini, so that she will have someone smarter than the people around here to talk to....
The trouble is, I have been wanting to do this project for a while now.. I have been collecting photos of Albert on Pinterest for a while now.

She claims to have been on a first name basis with him. 

I can't imagine Albert putting up with the likes of Tessie...

I fear that, if I do this, I am going to be outsmarted from more than just Tessie...

A genius and a witch to contend with? Scary!

One way out.  She didn't say how old Albert had to be... I have a photo of him when he was three years old... That could be interesting.  A three year old smarter than Tessie?  I am going to have to think about this for a couple of days.  Maybe there is a way to beat her at her own game.  I also have a photo of him at age 12...

I am going back and do a few sketches of Albert and see what I can come up with...

See you tomorrow.

1 comment:

Giac said...

Hello Casey,
Anyone who can put up with everything Tessie and the other put you through is a match for any genius!
Big hug