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Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Me and the Boss...

This is the boss that I am talking about.  He has been laying on this chair all of the time that I have been cleaning in here today...

When I wanted to leave to do the blog, he refused... I had to push him off of the chair. Then I chased him out of the room.
 I am making progress!  I rounded the corner this morning.  All of the things in that corner cabinet have been gone through, sorted and labeled.

I have been finding all kinds of things that I didn't know I had. Lots of unfinished furniture that needs finishing.  Lots of things that I didn't even know that I had!

George moved up a shelf.  Now he looks down on me, instead of staring me directly in the eye.

I sorted and refolded all of the fabric in the two shelves.  Messy!

See that almost empty shelf next to the wood? I gained a shelf! So I am making progress.  A whole empty shelf!
I am stalling now.  My next job is the wood... I have to go through all of that and sort sizes, kinds and lengths.  It is a mess.

I am finding some things that I am going to take to Wednesday Witches and see if anybody wants them.

I don't think that there is anything that they will be fighting over, but if they want any of it, they are welcome to it.
The Terrible Two are still fighting over the second She/He Shed.

To make matters worse, I emptied Tessie's Townhouse.  One of the Witches is taking it off of my hands.  It just isn't my style.  Good riddance.  Anyway, the Terrible Two dragged some of the furniture into the bedroom and are now fighting over what would fit nicely in the Shed and who is going to own it.

I am avoiding that area of the house.  It's easier that way.  Let them settle it.  I am just a bystander.

Back to the rya rug.  See you tomorrow.


Giac said...

Hello Casey,
Great job cleaning up. It must be great to walk into a clean work room...though I have a harder time finding things when everything is organized!
Big hug

Юлия said...

Hello, Casey! Well, when someone fluffy helps in the work)) My cat Basya thinks that without her I will not succeed and I need control.
You have a big progress in cleaning, it's great! Hugs, Julia

Caseymini said...

It's not clean yet, Giac. I will let you know a week from now.