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Friday, July 28, 2017

I Want It Back!!!

Here We go Again... No Tessie! You can't have it back.

As soon as Tessie saw the addition of the stone corners. she wanted this to be her She Shed.  She says that Zar doesn't need anything this fancy to sit around and write his memoires.

I doubt that he will be doing that.  Not a sign of the desk... So far...

I am thinking that he is going to put his feet up and relax... Sans Tessie.
 I think that the real reason that she wants it is the light inside.

Her shed doesn't have electricity... I imagine that I could add some.  But it's more fun to hear her yell at Zar and watch him ignore her.

Incidentally, the rug will be partially under the couch when everything is finished. It won't hang out the door.

I got some more of the new rug finished, but I won't show it to you until tomorrow.
Meanwhile, Tessie sits in her She Shed with her back to me.  She is not talking to me right now.

She even put her "Danger" sign against her chair.

I was thinking of running some electricity into her shed... Too bad. I am not allowed in...

I guess I will go work on her rug some more and then into the workroom I go, again.

See you tomorrow.


Jodi Hippler said...

Is that a macrame owl hanging on the back wall? LOVE that! Maybe you can make a tablet for for Zar and Tessie - that will keep them both occupied for a while!

Lynnette in KS said...

I missed you on Thursday, Casey, but you deserve a day off.

Caseymini said...

Jodie, it is indeed a macrame owl. I made it back in the eighties when I was teaching macrame.

Caseymini said...

Lynnette, thanks for the head's up! I fixed it... There is now a Thursday entry.
Don't tell anybody that I cheated and did it on Sunday morning, very early!

Caseymini said...

Jodi, sorry about the misspelling on your name. I can't seem to fix that one!

Giac said...

Hello Casey,
I don't know what the problem is, her shed is lovely!
Enjoy the quiet while it lasts!
Big hug