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Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Big Cacti and Mini Rugs...

This center cacti is almost as tall as I am.  It was in a pot on the patio and the Monsoons came sweeping in yesterday afternoon.

The wind was blowing so hard that it blew the cactus over, pot and all.
That made me decide that it needed a better home, where It would stay upright.

While Walter was golfing this morning, I planted it out in the yard.  We won't talk about the fact that I got it to it's assigned spot with a couple of table clothes wrapped around it, while dragging the pot across the yard... It was really a lot of fun. I have been thinking about doing it for a couple of months now.

After the grand planting... I finished the rug.

Zar admired it along with two of Tessie's bunnies. I think that they just liked it because it was nice camouflage.

Zar really liked it because it is his favorite color... Anything brown is his favorite color.

He immediately went searching for Tessie...

She was digging through my over-dyed thread...

Zar wants the rug in the worst way...

Tessie not so much... She wants something brighter. Note the big hunk of thread in her arms...

I over heard them making a deal... I am not terribly happy with the deal that they were making... It seems that, if Zar can help her talk me into making a larger rug out of the thread that she is holding, she will give him the brown one. No strings attached... Pun intended. 

I do believe that their deals are just to cause me more work and keep me out of their hair.

Oh well. I did want to try one more before I try making one with a pattern in it.  I may as well get started now.  See you tomorrow.


anisnofla said...

Muy bonita esa alfombra, espero ver alguna con tus bonitos diseños.
Yo tengo un cactus parecido a ese en una maceta.

Giac said...

Hello Casey,
That is one beautiful cactus. I am glad it has a safer home now.
The rug looks so soft and lovely...I can imagine why they want you to make more.
Big hug