Tessie won this one.
I made the bolster pillows for her "chair" this morning... If it were the right size, I would be fighting her for it. It really does look comfortable.
I did the bolster pillows from a couple of the no longer available cardboard tubes from the old Tampax. They are now plastic and I am not sure that they would work.
I cut them to the right length to fit on either side of the settee. Then I covered them with very thin batting. I am not even sure what it is or where it came from. Just part of the stash.
Then I covered each tube with the fabric and tucked the ends inside the tubes. If you want them to be extra nice, you can gather the ends with thread. Don't tell Tessie. I didn't bother in this case.
I figure that it will take until tomorrow or the day after and then she will be ready for something new.
I am going to enjoy the quiet while it lasts.
She will probably give the settee to Zar in a day or two.
Then she will start pestering me for another piece of furniture of her choice.
I caught her nosing around under the bed... Looking at the kit that she wants turned into her mansion... Boy! Is she going to be surprised when she finds out that the one that she picked, not too long ago, is a four room house. Not much of a mansion.
Read the fine print Tessie!
Back to work.
See you tomorrow.
Hello Casey,
It looks even more comfortable then in the last post. That's one for Tessie!
Big hug,
esos cojines son muy chulos, seguro que Tessie se cansara muy pronto de el , como hace con todo ,jjajajjaja, ella es asi ,
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