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Friday, March 17, 2017

Never Open UFO Drawers!

I usually try to stay away from the UFO drawer. 

Today Walter went to watch the Tucson Open golf tournament... I decided it would be a good time to tackle that drawer.... Bad Idea...

See all of this stuff? Everything but Kota and the blanket was in the drawer...
I found 11 bracelets that were in various stages of done and undone... Mostly undone...

We won't talk about how long it is going to take me to finish them...

And there were various pieces that I tried doing a stitch and probably didn't like it because I found a lot of short bits of unidentifiable work... No rhyme or reason.
I did find a few finished pieces that might even work in mini... The two little circular pieces.

Tessie keeps saying that the big one would make a good rug for her bedroom... I don't even want to talk about that. The first time she walks across it, she is going to start yelling about how lumpy it is. Those are size 11 beads.  She is not going to like the feel of that!
I found some undone bead embroidery and a watch chain that I started a LONG time ago.  All I need to do is put a watch on it.

After I get off of here, I might just go searching for a watch... Might...
Tessie wandered in about half way through and started grabbing things. 

The worst idea was the hat.  It is gold metal mesh and VERY heavy. 

I finally talked her out of keeping the outrageous jewels that hang down in the back... She did manage to find two purses, a cactus... Unpainted.

A small beaded bowl and a beaded mat. Knowing her, she will probably figure out a way to wear both.

Anyway, it was a productive morning.  Another drawer clean!

Back to work.

See you tomorrow.


Sheila said...

Oooohh eighties flashback with that hat! I had a pin and earrings to match that looked exactly like that.

Caseymini said...

Sheila, no offense, but I got that one in a bag ov jewelry from Goodwill. LOL

Giac said...

Hello Casey,
look at the bright side: One of the worse things in life is being bored, and clearly you never will be with all these unfinished projects!
Big hug