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Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Short and Not So Sweet...

It's all Tessie's fault.  She caught a cold day before yesterday.  Yesterday she kept sneezing on me.  Now I have it too.

So... All either of  us feel like doing is laying around and playing with our cats...

Kota is not as thrilled with it as Tessie's new cat is.  He just wants to be left alone, so that he can sleep some more.

Me? I am pretty much in sleep mode until the cold goes away. 

It's not terrible, but I just don't feel like doing anything but staring at my socks.

As for the conservatory?  It is just going to have to wait.  I am going back to see if I can find a movie to watch and when I find one, I will probably still stare at my socks. I have a pair of my pretty homemade ones on.

Hopefully, this will not last for a long time.  I want to play with the conservatory, without my nose running.

See you tomorrow.


Véronique said...

O dear, that's no good. Best stay warm, cuddle with the cat and get well soon.
We will all be here when you feel better.



Wendy Luane Barber said...

So many folks are getting sick. I guess it's the season. Take care of yourself and feel better soon.