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Thursday, June 9, 2016

Tessie Wins...Kind of...

I finished the bracelet at Witches, so this morning I could go back to work on the antique shop. 

I am pleased with the bracelet.  It only took a couple of hours.  Please ignore all of the other bracelets on the wrist.  Some of them I wear all the time.  I just forget they are there.
Tessie took charge of the new bracelet, as usual.  Then she ordered me back to work. 

She is sitting where the stairs will go down.  I am thinking that I will leave the weird door open after all.  It makes it more convenient to go up the stairs from either of the downstairs rooms.

I am also experimenting with the other side of the upper floor.

Tessie is arguing that the other side is still a mezzanine since the foam core is 1/8th of an inch taller than the other floor... I guess I am going to have to level things off if I want any peace.

The other thing that I am thinking of changing is the front porch.  I may try columns out there too.  I am not really crazy about the look of the punched out wooden porch. 

I am going to have to see if I have enough spindles to finish it off.  If I do, so much for the provided porch.  Wish me luck.

I am going back to count spindles now.

See you tomorrow.

1 comment:

Giac said...

Hello Casey,
The bracelet is just beautiful. Well done!
Big hug