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Saturday, December 19, 2015

Karin Corbin's Glitter Houses!

I won this set of eight mini glitter houses from Karin Corbin Miniatures. 

I will send you to her blog.  It is really fun to read and you will learn lots from her. From there, you can find your way to her kits.

I finished seven of them yesterday, just by making them like a three dimensional puzzle... The eighth one has me stumped.

Luckily, Karin has a web page that you can go to for specific directions. 

You may ask, why black for Christmas houses?  Do you have to ask?  That was Tessie's choice.

Karin also makes them in white.  The glitter is a bit hard to see in these photos, but they are very pretty in real life.  I am very impressed with the quality of the kits.  They go together like a dream.

As soon as I finish here, I am going to go look for the directions for the last one. It has me stumped...

I spent the morning with my head in this cupboard.  I was doing my Christmas cleaning. 

The cupboard extends to the left about two and a half feet... Poor planning on the part of the home designer... I don't store anything in that area that I want to get in and out of the cupboard quickly...

I was looking for my Christmas plates.  They are now right in front where I can get to them. 

I am all geared up for making Christmas cookies and fudge in the next couple of days... Actually, I was quite surprised to get out of the cupboard alive... I always wonder what I am going to find in the deep, dark recesses of the left side...

By the time I got out of there, the Terrible Two had taken over the 7 finished houses and put them under Tessie's tree. 

Santa hasn't come yet, so they will have to be happy with the houses until Christmas Eve, when the gifts arrive. 

As soon as I make cookies and fudge, there will be no more complaints from them until after Christmas... I am off to make cookies now. 

The recipes are elsewhere on the blog, so I won't repeat them again.  Back to the kitchen.

See you tomorrow.


Lucille said...

Casey, you're brave. I honestly can say that if I had a cupboard with such a deep recess where you can't see anything that I would not go in there without wearing rubber gloves. I would like to add that those houses are very pretty. I don't know how I would deal with something so small, though! It can't be easy!

Karin Corbin said...

It's fun to see Tessie and Zar enjoying the Christmas decorations :)

That triple front Tudor style building you can't figure out is different than the others in that it has a couple of large tabs integrated into the design to help support the center section. They also serve to hide any inadvertent gaps from slight misalignment.

Giac said...

Hello Casey,
Congratulations on winning those beautiful houses. they are great!
Big hug

Sarah K. said...

Those little houses are so neat! I like the black glitter too.