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Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Back to Business!

 When I arose this morning, this is what I saw on the table that was empty last night... I was getting ready to make it Christmas-y. 

Not any more.  The Terrible Two + One decided that I had done enough for Christmas... It was their turn...

They even found a foundation for it!
The first thing that I had to do was clean.  It was looking pretty rough and tumble. 

At least now I know what is in there. A big MESS!
I got it somewhat straightened.  The floors need scrubbing and oiling.  The wood in Zar's workshop, downstairs has grown, since I last looked in.

One of Tessie's old beds has made it's way into the workbox.  It needs repairing and restringing for the mattress.
Tessie is trying to get the work done for free and Zar is demanding his weight in cupcakes and cookies.  Guess who is going to get stuck with the baking part of this bargain?  It won't be Tessie!
Anyway, it looks like I am no longer an unemployed Christmas decorator... I am now a baker...

How does Tessie work these bargains???

Oh well... Back to work.

See you tomorrow.


Jodi Hippler said...

The Weavers Workshop is just adorable! I love it when you show us photos of all of your fantastic creations!!!

elizabeth s said...

I would have to agree with Jodi, Casey. I think that I first began to read your blog when you were in the process of building &/or furnishing the interior of this cute little Weaver's cottage, so for me, it has both a sentimental as well as a nostalgic atmosphere now that I'm getting to see it again. I hope that you do LOTS OF BAKING for Zar and Tessie, as you outfit this building for Christmas. :))

Lucille said...

It's nice to revisit the weaver's cottage. You have so many little dwellings that I had completely forgotten about that one. Well, I'll wish you happy baking. I suppose the terrible three have put in their order for a huge variety of delicious edibles with dreamy multicoloured icing! I'm making myself hungry now!

Giac said...

Hello Casey,
I envy that you never have a dull moment or time to get bored.
Have fun in the kitchen.
Big hug