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Sunday, November 22, 2015

The Party's Over...

I made Tessie kick everyone out at midnight.

I couldn't take the noise anymore. They went through "Ninety Nine Bottles of Beer on the Wall" at least six times... They were about to start the seventh ninety nine... NO MORE! 

I started looking for something to work on as soon as I got up this morning... This poor 1/4" house has been hanging beside the bed for years... I just can't get excited about it any more..

Nope.  That's not the one.
Meanwhile, I had to go separate the Terrible Two.

Zar took the matches away from Tessie.  She grabbed one of his Steampunk rifles and threatened him with bodily harm...

I settled it by taking both the gun and the matches and hiding them.

It was nice and quiet and I spent the rest of the day just relaxing...

A little while ago, I was sitting on the bed watching Christmas movies... when I heard a racket coming from the other side of the bed, on the floor..

They were at it again.  This time, they were arguing about which kit I was going to do next... As if they have a say in the order...

I don't think that it will be the Vineyard Cottage... They both want that one...

They did manage to get the box open, but I put a stop to that immediately. 

I sent them to their respective homes and shoved the box back under the bed.  I am not even going to think about minis for the rest of the day... Maybe tomorrow...

See you then...


1 comment:

Troy said...

Looks like fun! Looking forward to seeing your progress.