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Thursday, July 9, 2015

Tessie Made Me Do It...

Yup. I had to try at least one... This house seemed to fit the pot best.  I dug out the plant that was in there and re potted half at the back of the arrangement. 

Unfortunately, most of my patio plants are succulents with larger leaves. 

I can't really call this a fairy garden... It's more of a tiny Tudor garden.

I still have half a plant... That is, if Tessie doesn't keep using it for a stepladder.

She peered over the edge and turned to me...

"I want to live there!  Shrink me now!"

Oh how I wish that were possible... I would shrink her and lock her in!

This is going to be part of an experiment.  I used railroad "reindeer moss around the edges...I like the way it looks, but I am not sure how It will hold up.  It didn't seem to mind being watered.
It is treated with something to keep it soft, so maybe it will work...

Meanwhile, Tessie found the rest of the houses...

Yes.  She wants a whole village and is planning to call it "Tessieville".  Here we go again!

See you tomorrow.


mcddiss said...

esa casita queda realmente bien en esa maceta, no me extraña que Tessie quiera vivir ahi , es tan bonita que a mi tambien me gustaria, a ver que haces con el resto de casitas



Giac said...

Hello Casey,
That is a great project! I6t looks just beautiful and I am sure it will be a terrific addition to a garden...move over garden gnomes!
Big hug,

Phyllisa said...

Hi Casey. These house gardens are very charming. They only need a fairy added to be a Fairy Garden. And I have a few fairies, a few pots, a few small houses, some succulents and some moss. A Fairy Garden may be in the works.It looks easy to do.
But mine will have to live inside. The Pacific Northwest weather is either scorching
(like now) or rain.