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Friday, September 26, 2014

There Will Be a Slight Pause...

OK.  Tessie read yesterday's blog and insisted that I make her hanger today...

She oversaw every step...

First I cut eight pieces of fine crochet cotton.  I think it is #30.  There is no label...

The length was about two feet each.  I then doubled those in half and did a slip knot with seven wraps around the top, leaving about an eighth of an inch for a loop to hang it on.

I made Tessie hold some of the strings out of the way, whilst I tied ten alternating overhand knots on four groups of four threads.(two threads on each side of the knots.
If you aren't familiar with macramé  terms, you can just put macramé instructions in your favorite search engine.  There are many of them out there and you can pick out the one that is the best for you.

Next I did five square knots of four threads each.

Then I threaded on a seed bead, with the help of a big eyed needle...

Then I tied five more of the square knots.
Here you see the start of the next step.

By the way, I am working from the top down on this one.  The big one had to be started from the top up, because of the pottery bottom.

This is my usual method.  It is much easier from the top down. You can just hang the top on something and work down.

Here, I am connecting the threads into a circle.  I tied a square knot between each of the legs of the top. 

Then I added a seed bead, followed by another square knot.
Now for the slight pause...

I had two seed beads to go and then disaster struck.  I lost the big eyed needle! 

It is impossible to thread the seed beads onto the crochet cotton without help  and the big eyed needle is the only kind of needle that will fit through the holes in the seed beads and hold the larger thread.

Anyway, I am going back now and crawl around on the floor of the workroom looking for my needle.  I have others, but I couldn't find even one...  Wish me luck...

See you tomorrow...


azteclady said...

Ack, of all the luck!

Here's hoping you find your needle quickly and without injury--not fun to find needles or pin by having them stick to body parts.

elizabeth s said...

Arrrrggggg! Don't you just HATE that! Right in the middle of something involving pins and needles and then, that sharp and necessary thing goes missing.:(( I am always afraid that either me or the dog will find it lodged in our feet! OUCH!
Good luck finding the large eye needle, before your soles do! :/

Caseymini said...

I have been known to find needles with my feet! Not fun!

Giac said...

Hello Casey,
Why is there always something! I hope you found the needle (without the help of your foot).
Big hug,