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Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Post Dental...

Did you ever deal with a dentist that had a witch sitting on his shoulder whilst working?  I finally sent her out of the room.  It can be dangerous to have Tessie trying to order a dentist around.

She was banished to the waiting room and all the time she was there, she complained about the lack of new magazines... 

Let's just say I a glad that it is over!
Since I am still not much in the mood to do minis, I will keep on with the lists.  You seemed to like that.

The photos are from the 1880s.. They don't really go with the list.  They are from New England.

There were no photos in 1800 to 1812.  But I thought that you might be interested in an inventory from that era.

This is another one of the lists that I collected from U of A.
I have a early wooden Cracker box/crate like the ones that you see in the foreground of the second photo.  Right side.

I want to make a general store in it.  One of these days.

This is an actual inventory from an early general store.

1 piece calico,28 yards
2 pieces of Irish linen, 5 yards
2 pieces common white flannel
8 lbs, all colored thread #10
1/2 gross brass thimbles
1 doz. woman's cotton stockings
9 purple chintz shawls( I have visions of every woman in town walking around it the same purple shawl.)
1 doz. men's tanned gloves
2 doz. ivory combs
1 doz. paper snuff boxes
1 doz. shaving boxes
6 lbs. red chalk
14 Dillworth's Spelling books
400 quills
1/2 doz. slates
100 slate pencils
4 Bibles
1 Tom Jones(4 volumes)
4 Enticks Dictionary
2 rugs
4 pair of 3pt. blankets
1 doz. rat traps
6 iron tea kettles
8 nutmeg graters
3 doz. pewter teaspoons
1 crate crockery
9 barrels loaf sugar, 1 and 2 pounds
60 lbs. black pepper
75 gallons port wine
1/2 doz. shovels
3 hand saws
500 gun flints
2 doz. scalping knives
1/2 lb. box camphor

On the side of the list there was a note saying that there was a post office.  Before 1850, store and tavern.  And they sold marriage licenses...

Now go forth and make general stores.  Good luck!

See you tomorrow.


Susan@minicrochetmad said...

Scalping knives? Heavens, the mind boggles! Don't let Tessie get wind of such things, please!!

Giac said...

Hello Casey,
What a fascinating list! I am glad you kept her out of the room and that all went well at the dentist.
Big hug,