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Sunday, September 14, 2014

Now For the Hanging....

I finished the skull chair yesterday afternoon.  In the photo to the left, it still needs some shaping and trimming.

I made a pattern for the lining by putting a piece of cardstock inside and trimming until I got it right.

Then I covered the front with the zebra skin and wrapped it around to the back and glued. 

Next the back was covered and trimmed.  If any of it can be seen through the wicker at the back, it will match the front.

I did cheat a bit.  I only used the top half of the pattern and just left the fabric loose at the bottom. 

It was much easier to contour it to the chair that way.

Then I made a padded seat by cutting a oval to fit from the cardstock and covering it with quilt batting and the fabric.

I also changed the top.  I was getting to close together with the spokes when I was weaving.  I simply finished all of them but the center three.  Those I wove until they were long enough to wrap around the front bar. 

This gives me something to attach the chain to, for hanging.
I went to put it in Tessie's living room... I had to take down the other chair.  As soon as I did, Tessie zapped into place with the new one.  No chain.  I still have to put that part on. 

She refused to move, so I just took the other chair and went to hang it in Daisy's living room.

It is definitely a better size for that room.  As soon as it was hung, both Tessie and Zar settled in for the duration...

After all, there are cookies and beverages in Daisy's living room. 

Tessie told me, "We have to make sure that everything is right for when Daisy arrives...".

Sure they do...

Her last words to me were..."Call me when my chair is in place.  I will be back to try it out.".  Then I heard her whisper to Zar, "When I give the signal, grab the cookies and head for my place!".

You guessed it!  By the time I get the second chair hung...There will be no cookies to grab...

See you tomorrow.


Julie said...

I really love those chairs, Casey! You are too clever for words!
Thanks for sharing all your processes and your interesting friends!
I admit I found the stories about Tessie and Zar and Daisy all a bit twee at first because I have never been one to indulge in such 'fantasies'.
You have won me over! Or... is it Tessie who has me hooked???!
Either way, I am enjoying your posts very much.
Thank you :)

Lucille said...

A beautiful chair, Casey! You always make it seem so easy but, of course, it's not! Sorry I have not been around lately. I was away from home looking after my daughter who had a surgery of the esophagus! She was extremely weak and needed someone to look after her.

Caseymini said...

I wondered where you were, Lucille. I'm glad that you are OK. Sorry to hear about your daughter. I hope she gets well soon.

Giac said...

Hello Casey,
It was worth all the hard work. Both chairs are fantastic.
Big hug,