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Sunday, September 28, 2014

A Need for Sorting...

But it will have to wait.

It's amazing that I could find what I needed to do the plant in this mess...

Actually, I simply sent Tessie in with a list of the things we needed.  After all, it's her plant.  She should take responsibility..
She found leaves, a crochet hook, some covered wire and lots of glue.

To start, I took the crochet hook and, on three thicknesses of leather, I cupped the leaves by running the head of the crochet hook down the center.
With the wire, I twisted stems of various sizes and bent them to fit in the center of the bead and hang down over the edges.

I stuffed the ends into the hole in the bead with some glue.

I bent the arms of the stems in curves to hang down over the edge.
Then I took the leaves, with tweezers, and dipped the ends in white glue and stuck them to the wire.

I should mention that I had already put the blue bead in the hanger.  That way I can more easily see the finished result.

I can still see a couple of bare spots.  I will go back and fill in. 

Then it will be ready for Tessie to hang, permanently.

Back to fill in the blanks.

See you tomorrow.

1 comment:

elizabeth s said...

Your hang plant And hanger look Great. What a Grand Finale for your little macrame project.