I decided to do the curtains for the bay in the living room this morning.
I have several tutorials on curtains and draperies in other spots on the blog, so I won't go into a lot of detail this time.
I did the usual edging with glue and turned in hems. I didn't do it on the outer edge, because I had the pattern printed all the way to the edge...Bad move on my part...
What's wrong with this picture?
I didn't notice that the printed edges didn't match in pattern... It looks OK on the first curtain, but the second one is questionable... Just a quarter inch difference in the pattern throws the second curtain off. It is only terribly noticeable in the bottom half of that curtain...Totally different design on the pleated section.
I may either do the second curtain over or maybe it won't be noticeable when the furniture is in place. The left curtain bottom will not be visible when the furniture is in place...Only I will notice.
Or am I fooling myself to save work?
I have sprayed the curtains with extra hold, unscented, Suave pump hair spray. I will at least put them in the bay to see how they do.
I usually use ribbons for tie backs... Somehow that doesn't work for this house.
I had three possible chains. I think that I like the top one the best. It is from a necklace from the early 20th century. It was already broken. No usable jewelry was harmed in the making of these curtains.
I am going back now to do a second coat of hairspray and to talk to myself about redoing the right side curtain... I'll be OK as long as I don't start answering myself... Maybe....
See you tomorrow.
Hi Casey
Great tutorial, you've made me really consider getting a pretty pleater. Beautiful fabric by the way.
Hi Casey
I think the curtains look marvellous, and I agree that the top chain really suits them. I cannot really see a big difference in the pattern on the curtains, but you know best :)
All the best and take care
Simon, I learned this method from Judee Williamson about 30 years ago. I have a half scale pretty Pleater. I have never used it for curtains. I like the natural fall of the draperies done this way. Thank you, Judee!
Vivian, I am probably the only one that would notice the difference, but I do notice it. The jury is still out.
Hi Casey,
I think you'll be able to camouflage the pattern mishap easily! the pleating is great and I love the chain you chose.
Big hug,
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