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Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Cooperation.... Kind Of...

Believe it or not, this is a table.

The oval is cut out of a scrap of walnut.

The rounds are teak beads that I bought about 25 years ago.  I have used many of them and still have a lot left.  It was a big bag...

I had only five of the brass beads that I used for the feet, so that will finish that stash of those.
Please ignore the back of the oval.  Once the table is in place, it will be impossible to see the back side.

I sanded down the edges and added the legs, by the following method.

I used five of the teak beads for each leg, and one of the antique brass ones.

 I marked off where I wanted the legs to go.  then I put some Fast Grab on that spot and stuck the toothpick in the center.  Then I slid down the first bead. Luckily, the holes are just the right size to get the toothpick through.

Then I put some glue on top of that one and slid another bead down, until there were five on each leg.  The last thing was the brass beads.  Then, very carefully, I pulled out the toothpicks and let the legs dry.  Straight as a string...

Tessie wandered in... Glass of wine still in one hand...  Have you noticed?  When she drinks, she is left handed... Or maybe she is just the proverbial two fisted drinker.

I think it is time to hide the corkscrew.  Who knows where she will end up the next time she gets the hiccups?

I oiled the top of the table with lemon oil.  It pretty much matches the legs now.

How's that for a fast table?  I could have done something fancier, but once I get the curtains up in the other end of the room, I don't think that anybody is going to notice the table.  Let alone carved legs.

I just went and emptied all of Tessie's wine bottles down the drain... That should solve the problem. 

No more having to walk back from the end of the block now.

See you tomorrow.


Vivian Fox said...

Hi Casey
The table is just lovely. I think you might have to keep an eye on Tessie.....
All the best

Unknown said...

What a great idea, thank you for sharing. I think it`s a very nice table.

Giac said...

Hi Casey,
Fantastic little table. the legs are lovely and I think it works very well with the house.
Big hug,

mcddiss said...

me parece una mesa fantastica ,y tan sencilla de hacer , aunque una vez terminada nadie lo diria



Troy said...

Clever little project! I love what you did with the beads.

Simon said...

Hey Casey
The table is fab, well done. I hadn't noticed how She holds a wine glass but I'll be checking in future. Such a waste of wine though ;-)

12Create said...

What great beads. You could use them for so many things. They look great as table legs.