And getting nowhere...Yesterday I went to Wednesday Witches. One of them announced that she has started reading my blog from the beginning...At 3:30 AM. Barb said she couldn't sleep, so I was the "other option"... It should have put her right to sleep, but she kept going until about 7:00AM.
The poor woman was cross eyed when she got to the meeting.
I tore off the yellowish shingles yesterday....Stained new ones and got one side done this morning. I will be putting washes over the Golden Pecan. It looks too brand spanking new. That's another of those phrases that I am going to have to look up and see where it came from....Brand Spanking??
When I got home from witches, Zar and Tessie had taken up watch over the Brimble's box... Tessie zapped a footstool to the front. Then when that wasn't high enough, she upturned one of my baskets.
Zar climbed up and perched on top. I caught Tessie, just when she was about to put Zar out of the competition by pushing the basket off of the stool...
She is still talking dress shop... Sorry Tessie. It's not going to happen.
I did get some fobs and pendants made whilst at the mini meeting. We all bring anything that we want to work on at any given time....Sometimes minis, sometimes not. I decided to work with some of the bamboo coral that I got at the gem and mineral show.
The three on the left are what is left of nine fobs or zipper pulls that I made. The other six went to the witches that were there. They have clam shell fasteners on top, so that they can be attached to anything that the user wants.
I am not crazy about the pendants on the right. I will probably tear them apart and have another go at them. But not right now....I need to shingle.
Back to work.
See you tomorrow.
Hello from Spain: great pendants ...
Hi Casey. Your bead fobs gives me
several ideas. I have needed some
zipper pulls for awhile, but never
thought of using beads. So now I will.
Hi Casey! The shingles look wonderful and "oh my, how fast you work!" While Barb was sleepless reading your posts till 7 a.m., it appears that you were also up during the wee hours. :)) Even so, the roof is Looking Very good and well worth the re-think.
Also, I like your new background for your blog. I just noticed it and it looks fresh and friendly; full of Springtime!
parece que esas tejas no acaban de convencerte, a mi me fastidia mucho deshacer y volver a hacer ,pero en ocaciones no queda mas remedio , pobre Tessie , que desilusion tendra cuando vea que esa preciosa tienda no es para ella
I think "Brand spanking." was something they said back in the golden days of advertising (I learned that from watching Mad Men..they're a bunch of pigs if you ask me but a lot of fun to watch which is probably why the show was so popular.)
the shingles look great, I found a can of midwax in the basement this morning so I'll give your dipping trick a try
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