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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Three Ingredients and Some Glue....

I was not in the mood to be up to my elbows in spackle this morning, so when Tessie started pestering me for a couch cushion, I jumped at the chance...Now I am up to my elbows in glue.

You have seen me do this before.  Here we go again. 
Two good things about working with an old suede coat.  It can be easily manipulated and it stretches.

I cut the form from some old illustration board that I found between two bookcases...I find all kinds of good things hidden in the cracks.

Then I cut two layers of batting the same size and shape.  I also cut one piece of suede to the shape plus about a half inch.
Starting in the center, narrower area, I stretched the suede around to the back and glued both sides in place. 

I slashed the inner curves, but not all the way to the edge.  Usually you can get away with a quarter inch uncut on suede. 

The outer curves must be cut in Vs for them to fit right.  You don't want any overlapping.  As little bulk as possible.

Since I don't know of any cows that have a skin large enough to cover the length of the whole cushion, I made it appear that it is in three sections.

I simply took matching pearl cotton and twisted it in the direction that it was spun to make it fold back on itself and make a rope braid.

I stretched that around the cushion and glued it to the back in two places.

As soon as I tried it on the ledge for size, it was occupied.  I turned my back for a second.  When I turned back around, there was Tessie...Pretending to be sound asleep under the J. Garcia tie.  She is very determined... And Zar is dismayed.  What to do?

See you tomorrow.


Unknown said...

Uau! Eu estou acompanhando sempre o andamento desse seu projeto. Quero ver ele pronto, com certeza ficará muito bonito.
Eu quero convidar você a participar do SORTEIO lá em meu blog, venha , será ótimo ter você lá.
Um abraço, Fernanda

2minimom said...

This is turning out so beautiful!

Mary said...

I love this project, love the seating pit, the suede cushion, the stairs and all the layers that take great advantage of the height of the case. I'm looking forward to seeing the fire place come together. It all works so great together and has so much interest.

Giac said...

Hello Casey,
It is coming along beautifully. Great job on the odd shaped pillow. Would it work if you used both fabrics? Anything to keep the peace between those two.
big hug,