It started out as a day of sitting and stitching. It wound up another cleaning and clearing day.
My New Year's Resolution shall be, "Finish things!"
It will probably last all of three days, twenty two hours, seven minutes, and two seconds....Not counting the milliseconds.... It wouldn't save any time.
This is one of those rugs in a book that I liked...I am doing pretty good on it, with Tessie's help.
Maybe I should mention some tips and tricks I use whilst stitching. I just got new glasses, but I still prefer using a lighted magnifier to work. Less eye strain. I like this type, with the magnifier and light separate and adjustable. It works well to keep an eye on Tessie too.
Walmart carries a version of this...I wouldn't buy it. It has photos of the thread colors...Not the real thread. This one costs more, but it is much more exact in choosing threads.
The three boxes in front are all my threads in numerical order. ( The color chart goes by groups of colors.) That way I can pick and choose by color on the chart and then go to the appropriate box to find the thread of that number.
Remember, the more projects you have going, the longer you will live!
I bought it years ago, at an after Christmas sale. Half price.
I don't think that I have ever had it close to filled with jewelry.
The bottom five drawers are filled with the fabric and other items for making the rugs.
The drawer that Tessie is standing in, is the drawer that you see in the photo above. Believe it or not, all of those unfinished rugs in the plastic boxes fit in the one drawer.
The top one that you see has all of the silk items that you saw a few days ago.
The second, fourth and fifth have fabric. Hey! You never know when I will want to start another project.
One thing I forgot to mention. When I start a new rug, as I add colors, I write the number on the outer selvage of the fabric. That way, if I pilfer a color from one box to work on another one, I will know which color to search for and chances are, the number will be written on the edge of one of the other rugs.
It's not a fool proof system, but most of it works for this fool.
See you tomorrow.
I am stitching too and I have the same boxes for the threads.
Great minds think alike ;o)
Happy stitching :o))
I wish more manufacturers made color charts with the actual product instead of a printed picture, whether it's paint, thread or something else the pictures rarely match that well.
love the way you have everything organized
This sure beats my "system" for storing floss! I keep mine in plastic sandwich bags with the numbers written on the outside with a marker.
They are all stuffed into a big plastic shoe box. I like your jewelry box idea so much better! :D
I have the same resolution, but it is very difficult.
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