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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Two of the Russians are Missing!

Not only is the samovar missing, but the Russian antique rug that I started ran away too.

Could it be that it didn't like where it was living?

I thought it was in one of these four drawers or the little attache case....Nope.  Nowhere to be found.  Neither the started rug or the pattern. 

Luckily, I knew where the pattern could be found.  I went and printed another copy.

If you are at all interested in antique cross stitch patterns, this picasa site is great.  There are both Russian and Sajou French pattern books.

All of the patterns that you see here are Russian ones from the site.  The one that Tessie is holding is the one that I started....

All of the drawers in the first photo are full of fabric to do rugs on and fabric with partially finished rugs.  Sooner or later they all get finished.  It just depends on which one I need.  I am sure that I will be getting a lot more done on them after the new glasses come.   I can hardly wait.

Meanwhile, I made the Terrible Two clean off the mess on the work table this morning.  Yes.  There actually was a table under there!

Now it looks way to neat and tidy.  I need to go get to work and scatter some tools and wood around.  Then it will at least look like I am working...

No.  I really am going to start working as soon as I get off of here.  Honest.

There really isn't all that much to do now. Except for cleaning up the mess of fabric that I scattered whilst looking for one tiny piece with the start of a rug on it...

Well.  At least I have more fabric and thread.  I can always start all over again.  I am very good at starting...It's the finishing that I have trouble with.

See you tomorrow. 


Unknown said...

It`s always more fun to start things than to finish them. I love the pattern that Tessie is holding.

mcddiss said...

seguro que cuando empieces la nueva aparecera la anterior por algun rincon, si es cierto que lo mas facil es comenzar algo,lo dificil es terminarlo, pero al menos ahora tienes a la terrible pareja controlada por ahora

