As I worked, I started thinking about how much I like half timber buildings. Maybe I lived in one in a former lifetime.
Then I thought about all of the ones that I have. Parts of the fairy tale castle make it a "sort of" half timber. That building has a lot of different architecture patch worked together. But there is definitely a lot of stone work and some half timber. So I say it's in.
Then I walked around and looked.
The next one is Tessie's hat shop...The outside qualifies...If I seriously wanted to do it as part of a street of shops, only the inside would have to be altered.
Oh! And I guess I would have to replace the motorcycle with a horse.
Otherwise, it qualifies.
Personally, I live with one every day, so I have to believe that it qualifies. Maybe on the outskirts of town...I a forest somewhere.
This is the only one that is realllllly questionable. Do you suppose that anybody back then thought of putting wheels on a house and dragging it around behind a team of very strong horses?
And anyway, The Clockwork Caravan doesn't move. It's on a stone foundation just like the rest of them. It has a turret(We just won't tell anybody that there is a nuclear powered shower inside.).
The roof pavilion would be an excellent place to view the jousting.
OK...So it is a bit questionable. Hey! This is my town. If Zar wants to live on the street, I say he can do it.
I am now thinking that we need an inn, a market place, maybe a blacksmith's shop...This could grow into something bigger than our house if I let it.....Maybe I should just stop thinking now....Yup. No more thinking today.
See you tomorrow.
"Do you suppose that anybody back then thought of putting wheels on a house and dragging it around behind a team of very strong horses?
Kathie, I'll bet the gypsies didn't have a nuclear powered shower tower! Lol
I also love this look! When I was a young girl, I was always drawn to what we called "Tudor" style houses in my hometown. Oh, how I wanted to live in one!
I like the way your brain works. I can imagine the gears turning in a crazy pace. Very fun to read.
I really love all of your timber houses! There are lots of them here in the Mountain Brook area of Birmingham. I've always wanted to go inside and see how they are decorated...
I have some photos somewhere of a cottage in Florida that you would love. If I can find them, I will email you one.
Of course, that will get ME thinking about another project! Like I need another one?!!
Hello Casey,
I' adore your work. I love half timber, I think it adds so much charm and character to a building.
Great job on the stonework.
Have a great week,
Most inspiring, once again, Casey!!! It makes me "itch" so badly to get back to my own minis. Sadly, Life is interferring with all of my hopes and plans. At least I can steal a few moments on the computer and live vicariously through your lovely work. Sigh.
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