I don't usually use house paint on minis. Too thick. I am going to try them on this, because I like the colors. They are pretty close to the colors that now want on the weaver's cottage.
I may still not like the housepaint, but it is worth a try.The colors are pretty close to the last house that I showed you yesterday.
I had another idea that I may try. Since the paint chips are so big, two of them will cover the windows that I don't want in the second story. The seam in the middle can be covered with half timber....Hey! It's worth a try. I will let you know if it works.
This is the other half of the house from yesterday. See why I cropped this side off...It's the messy part of the yard. Hoses, some kind of twig star and a very faded American flag don't make as pretty a photo as the cropped one. I did want you to see the bay on the window and the slanted roof above.
Here's another one in shades of gray. On this one you can see how the half timbers are blended into one another, instead of being sharp corners.

This one is called "The Honeymoon Cottage". They have covered most of the front yard with tile. I am not crazy about that, but I suppose it is practical. I do like the raised planters along the fence with the topiary roses.

This one is called "The Honeymoon Cottage". They have covered most of the front yard with tile. I am not crazy about that, but I suppose it is practical. I do like the raised planters along the fence with the topiary roses.
Here's another view. I think that the gate, made from a single french door curved at the top, would be really pretty in a mini situation. I felt like an intruder, while taking the photos, but I really did want some that weren't pictured in the books.
Books? We will get into that next. Today, I have vacation laundry to do and cats to pet. I was missed...
See you tomorrow.
Hi Casey! I love the idea of that French door with the curved top.
I do too Lucille. Great idea for a gate!
Still loving the houses!
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