I started doing washes and dry brushing with Territorial Beige, Burnt Sienna, Hippo Gray, Sage green, and Antique white. I mix them together as I go. I seldom use only one color straight. Usually at least two and a lot of colors on top of colors.
I go over it again and again at random. A bit here, and then a bit there to balance it.
Sometimes I notice something missing as I go....Hmmmm...What happened to the hearth?
Back to the egg cartons.
I laid the stones for that and started painting those too....Then I decided it was Dr Pepper time. Remember those commercials from way back?
Anyway, Tessie had been poking about while I was painting and when I got back from the break, there she was...
She threw something across the room to keep me from seeing it....Didn't work. I went and found Zar's hammer and chissel in the corner.
It seems that she decided to add a detail of her own...
"Tessie! There's a hole in the fireplace! What are you doing?" That was me.
She stuck her nose in the air and replied, "My mouse needs a warm place to sleep. The hole is just right for him."
Silly me. I asked, "When did you get a pet mouse?".
She always seems so logical when she answers my questions...
She pulled herself to her full 5 1/4 inches and said. "I am on my way to the back yard right now to find one. I will have one by the time that the chimney is finished!"
Oh goodie! Mice. Just what I need. I am now off to build myself a better mousetrap as they say. It will be a no kill one. Little cage that I can carry far, far away to let them out. Thank goodness, she doesn't like badgers!
See you tomorrow.
Hi Casey! I love the colour of the bricks. I made a note of the recipe. That little mouse hole is so cute. I can't wait to see the little mouse!
oh my! tessie is such a scamp! i think mice are adorable (as long as they stay in the field! lol)
i love your work congratulations !
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