We went out to breakfast this morning, to Em Le's. It is the second oldest restaurant in Carmel and has the best breakfasts, bar none.
It is in a really neat half timber building, but I don't think it't as old as others. See the picture on the cup.
Sometimes it is embarrassing to have Tessie along. She kept grabbing food off of other people's plates.
She announced, "Hey lady! Those are really good potatoes." Then she discovered a man eating eggs with calamari. "Ick. What are those wiggly things in your eggs, Mister?"
By the time we got up to leave, she had pretty much cleared the restaurant of customers. At least we got out of there before the owner asked her to leave...

On the way back to the hotel, we stopped at what is probably the most famous building in Carmel. This is "Tuck Box". It was designed and built by the same man that built the first Fairy Tale Cottages.(More about those tomorrow.)
I especially like the iron brace that holds up the chimney. Very cool. It's a cafe too, but it wasn't open.
I took a couple of photos of Walter and Tessie in front, but they didn't turn out well.
So when Walter left for Pebble Beach, he dropped Tessie and I off a block or so north of where we had breakfast.
We strolled back at leisure, camera in hand.

Tessie kept wandering off to look at flora and fauna. She made friends with a couple of sea gulls and several dogs along the way, but it was hard to keep track of her. She kept hidding in flower beds and climbing trees.
It's embarrasing to have her keep pulling flowers out by the roots and telling me, "It's OK. They didn't see me." Meaning the owners of the flower beds...

I happily wandered and took photos. This one is a little later than the fairy tale houses. I am guessing 30s or 40s. I loved the Moorish flavor of it. Look at all of the details!Two different chimney styles. I like the dental shape at the bottom of the roof on the side. The different style of windows doors and the balcony all add to the flavor.

This is the last one for today. I found it about a block from the hotel. It is fairly new and sad. The poor little building was empty and had a for lease sign in the window.
Tessie and I discussed it. When we get rich, we think that this would make a perfect miniature shop.
What do you think. Are we right?
The roof on this one was real slate and had different colors scattered here and there. I like the effect.
Maybe I can make a deal with Walter. I can open a mini shop and he can play Pebble Beach every day....I already know his answer..."Wait until we win the lottery..."
I can dream, can't I?
See you tomorrow. With houses.
Hi Casey! Thanks for the photos. I love the roof and chimney of the Tuck Box. It reminds me of a fairy tale. Tessie looks so sweet up in that tree. Hope you're enjoying yourself!
Can "Tuck Box" be any cuter!?!? The poor lonely shop front already looks like a mini house. It's so very cute! =)
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