That is much easier than messing with the paint and running the risk of going to far with it.
There are eight windows in the house and I decided to use the frames on the outside that came with the kit.
The three windows on the annex front are so close together that it wouldn't make sense to try to do the timbering there, so I decided that the wavy timbers will go on the top and bottom and then on down to the base. I am not going to fight the in between part.
I got the windows on the front covered. I did it with a piece of heavy poster board, cut to size and painted on both sides with paint matching the rest of the building. I did this on wax paper and covered it with another piece. It didn't really warp, but I wanted to be sure that it dried flat, so I weighted it down.
I then did the timbering before I put it on the house. That worked out pretty well.
After that, Tessie helped me hang the window frames in place with Mini-hold to see how much space I had.
As you can see, there is very little between the ones on the left. This was probably not the best building to use this treatment on. Most of the fairy tale cottages are low and wide, with lots of space on the walls for timbers. I am started now and I am going to make the best of it.
Next time I get a hare brained idea to do one of these, I am going to design the building to match the timbers. Not the other way around.
I am half way tempted to just use the main two story building and leave the annex off. It is the part that is causing the most trouble with the timbers. I can always use it elsewhere.
After all, I only need two rooms. The loom can still go upstairs under the skylight and the bottom can be a small store that sells the finished items.....Hmmmm.....Thinking on this.....
I am not going to run it by Tessie. She would insist on making the whole thing a lot bigger just to fit the timbers. And she would want the annex for Rufus. He needs a place to live. Heaven forbid that he should live out in the wild or in a cage. Nope. Tessie will not be told. Not a word!
I have to do Monday things like housework in the real world now. The vacuum calls.....
See you tomorrow.
Sometimes you just have to keep secrets from Tessie - it's better that she doesn't know.
Maybe your next project should be a mini zoo for all of tessie's pets.
Indy Poppy, Tessie doesn't believe in cages. We have animals wandering all over the house. Thank goodness, they know how to use the kitty litter box!
Casey, the timber looks great. As you say, a wash should settle everything. I agree with you that leaving the annex off would make it look better. I find that just the building part looks great and that skylight you built really adds that certain distinguished feature to the design. I think it would look so much better without the annex. I'm quite sure that Tessie is reading all this. So, I guess you'll have to hear what she has to say.
What if you closed up the center of the three crowded windows and left just two in that room? A nice trellis on the outside would balance the door on right section. You know you're going to get dissatisfied if you go much further in a direction you don't love.
The madwoman with saw fixed things this afternoon. You will get to see it tomorrow. I think I am going to like it better now..... Maybe....
Oh no, I can tell you are going to be a bad influence on me with that saw....
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