Back then, the copy machines left something to be desired and were not cheap to use. So....I checked out the books, took them home and read them. Then I copied things that I really wanted by hand....No computers or scanners either.
I ran across a book about the Tudor half timber houses in Exeter, England. It was especially useful because it had lists of what went into the houses and what kind of rooms they had and what they were used for.
The best part was, they had complete inventories that had been done back in the 16th century.
I copied several and then went to the trouble of "translating" them. They didn't have standard spelling for anything back then...Some of it was pretty difficult.
This first one was from Richard Hedgland. He was a joiner(furniture builder). As you can see, the inventory is dated 1596.
All of his worldly goods were worth three pounds and change! Talk about the low cost of living!
The first photo is of the original inventory with all of the interesting, to say the least, spelling. The second one is my "translation". Some of it, I still couldn't figure out...I am of English decent, but that makes no difference.
If you poke the photos, you will be able to reat it more easily.
This guy didn't have a lot of stuff.
By the way, when you are reading these, read bed as mattress. Read flock or flocke as wool. And dust is waste material or rags. At least they call feathers, feathers.
Every time I read this I picture someone making a matress out of rags and dryer lint...Oops...No dryer lint. Strike that!
I did find the weaver's inventory. John Dynham was his name and he was a bit more well off than old Richard. Evidently he was doing well in the weaver's trade.
His inventory consists of almost three pages and very thorough....It even lists "a heap of stones" in the garden. They were estimated at 8d. Maybe some of my British friends can remind me....What is d? I know it was small change in old England, but I can't remember what the "d" word is. Used to know it, but the mind wanders....
I can't do his house unless I just do the workshop part. He lists three loom and a LOT of other stuff in the two shops.
I am guessing that he also dyed his material. There are four tubs listed...
It is amazing what you can learn from these old inventories.
I am only showing you the first page of Dynham's inventory and translation....I am already boring you to tears....
I also have the inventory of a yeoman, which is just a bit lower than the gentry....This guy had a big house and lots of good stuff... I know....Bored now.
At least it will keep you busy whilst I pack for Carmel.
I am taking the laptop and the camera. Hopefully, there will be no breakdown in communication.
See you tomorrow, from beautiful Carmel!
Casey, it looks to me like Tessie has zipped you back in time!
You have such a beautiful handwriting!!!
My goodness, Casey! I feel silly now! When I first read your blog for today, the only things that were there were the translated copies of the inventory and nothing else. Your written article was missing. So, I had no explanation whatsoever of what you expected and came up with the thought that maybe Tessie had zipped you back in time. Oh, well, it should be good for a laugh! Nothing wrong with that!
You know, this is a good idea. Doing an inventory of our dollhouses. Where we got things, what we made and how, how much money we spent etc....
I've often thought of doing this but always got distracted.
Hope you and Walter have a wonderful Easter and a great trip to Carmel!
Lucille, there is a secret key on my keyboard that, when I accidentally poke it, publishes the entry before I am ready.
It happens every once in a while and when it does, I get caught by someone. I still don't know which key, or combination of keys does it.
My theory is... There is a really small gremlin that lives under the keyboard and enjoys messing with what I am typing... I didn't do it!LOL
This is such a cool post! I am fascinated by history in general but to be able to peek into someone's household inventory AND the etymology is wonderful.
...forgot to add, your handwriting is indeed lovely :)
Old inventories are so interesting - and I was thinking I should do one for my Gammage House - but then remembered that someone has to die first before one gets filed in the US - I wonder how that works in other countries?
I find these historical documents fascinating and have been following my own family tree for a number of years. The 'd' in old English money stands for pence. We had £(pounds, s (shillings) and d (pence). It changed in 1970 to decimals but I can still remember learning to add up in old money.
"d" is pence... "s" is shillings... so 1s 8d is one shilling and eight pence. A shilling is five new pence and 12 old pennies. Then there's a guinea... bit like a pound - I think it's worth about £1.12... although it's not a coin or a note but just a value (we do like to confuddle things over here in England *lol*).
Oh, shilling sometimes is written as /- instead of a "d".
Then there's farthings, thrupenny bits, bobs (one bob, two bob), florins... and a load of other stuff too *lol*
2 farthings = 1 halfpenny
2 halfpence = 1 penny (1d)
3 pence = 1 thruppence (3d)
6 pence = 1 sixpence (a 'tanner') (6d)
12 pence = 1 shilling (a bob) (1s)
2 shillings = 1 florin ( a 'two bob bit') (2s)
2 shillings and 6 pence = 1 half crown (2s 6d)
5 shillings = 1 Crown (5s)
Ummm... think tat's it - and I apologise for the rambling on... but it might come in useful :)
And you're right... "crock" is a pot - a crock pot or can be just crockery.
Did I mention a groat? 1 groat is four pennies, half a groat is 2 pennies.
a sovereign is a pound.
I partly know all this because my great-great grandmother owned a post office, and researching family I came across a lot of old lists and notes that contained a lot of this stuff. I also found a recipe with costs of the ingredients written by my late grandmother... it is fascinating - but shant bore you any longer.
Yes, your handwriting is beautiful... and I hope you all enjoy your trip to Carmel!
Very nicely done. I need to make my own kind of inventory system and keep track of the food I have and need, so I can be more efficient when it comes to cooking & food storage :)
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