While I was sleeping, she somehow talked Cordelia into switching houses....That is, Cordelia will now be living in the townhouse that Tessie loathed. Tessie? She is moving into Cordelia's house with a few conditions.
She put a rider on the contract, saying that she had full use of the potion room, 24 hours a day and the same for the roof garden....I do believe that she is going to sneak in and use the bath too...Or she will talk Zar into letting her use the shower tower. There is no bathroom in the Mystery House(Cordelia's place).
Anyway, when I looked in on them the first time, there was Tessie packing. I had to pull Spike out of one of the larger boxes several times. She kept putting him back in. I finally told her that I would hand carry him to the new place. I don't see why she didn't just zap him over. That's what she did with everything else.
By the time I deposited Spike on the bed, she had zapped everything else over, including herself.
She didn't even have time to change positions before she arrived.
Perhaps I waited a fraction of a second too long. She also zapped my hand carved walnut be and dressing table into the room. She has had her eye on those two pieces for years.
As soon as she arrived, she started shouting at Spike, "Get off of my new bed, right now!!!"
She has been a busy bee. She also put in a chase to match the bed and a wardrobe. Hmmmmm...All new furniture. I do believe that she has been planning this for a while...Where's Cordelia?
Tessie did get a sewing loft out of the deal. She does like to sew.
After she got the bedroom settled, I found her and Spike in the kitchen area eating breakfast...By the way, if any of you are planning on moving and need boxes, Tessie bounced around on the computer keys with her pogo stick and came up with Sherree's site.
https://picasaweb.google.com/sherree2 That's where we both go for anything printed. She bounced down to the "Office Supplies" section and there found a sheet of six packing boxes. She made me help her re size them last night...For some reason, I didn't ask what she needed them for...Maybe it was something in the hot chocolate that she so nicely offered to make me just before she asked. You will be amazed at the number of useful things that Sherree has on that site. I once made miniature chocolate chip cookies and she had the packages for all of the ingredients. That's also where the gang gets all of the beer and sodas, by the case for their parties. Lots of neat stuff!
Tessie didn't change a lot about the main floor. She did put a new wicker chair in the corner. Other than that, she let Cordelia keep all of the stuff in the other house....
However, in reviewing the contract, I see a clause that states that Tessie has the right to retrieve any furniture, as long as she replaces it with something of similar shape and value....I wonder if Cordelia has some hot chocolate to sip whilst signing...?
I must say that Tessie has better taste than Cordelia did. The second floor is much nicer now.
I finally went looking for Cordelia...
I found her sitting in the bedroom of the town house, staring at the far wall. I don't think that she knows what hit her yet....
Tessie, when Cordey wakes up, you are going to be in sooooo much trouble!
I am going to go somewhere and hide now. I think that Cordelia is almost fully conscious...
So much for a nice quiet Saturday!
Don't forget to vote! Thanks!
See you tomorrow.
Marvelous idea! This should make Tessie very happy!? It's great that you have two houses for her to play with. :D
Thanks for the link to Sherree's. I had forgotten all of the cool stuff she has there. :D
Hi Casey,
what fun, i love all your adventures. That bed is STUNNING! I just love the work. all your rooms are beautiful and I love all the detail,
Can't wait to hear more adventures.
all the best,
I just found some of the printables that I created posted in Sherree's albums. I don't mind sharing them but she should give credit to the people who created them.
Miniannalee, I suggest that you contact her and tell her so. I realize that she collects them from all over. I am sure that she would do something about it if you can find a way to contact her. I believe that she is French. At least I found her site through one of the French sites. Good Luck.
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