I am working on the slate roof now. Very gray and very blah so far. The first step is to put a wash over the whole side to cover the printing on the cartons. It IS a wash. Very watered down paint. It is a mixture of Ceramcoat Hippo Gray, Charcoal, and White to start. I don't want three separate colors, but I don't want one solid color either, so I mix as I go. Before I am done, I will have gone over it many times. A dab here and a dab there to change the color of different areas.
The top part doesn't have as much wash on it and is drying fast. I will go back in and do some more painting and then score that part.
It is hard to tell what I did with the painting in the photos. In a couple of places you can see where I have made it a little darker at the top of the shingles, under the next course to make the edges stand out. Basically, I fuss with it until it looks right
Here it is with all of the basic scoring. I will go back in and do it again in some areas, where it doesn't seem to show as much.
Paint and score. Paint and score some more.
When I get the paint part looking the way I want it, I will let it dry thoroughly and then start shading with Prismacolor Pencils. That's when the roof starts to really look more like slate than egg cartons.
Hang in there. This is going to take a couple of days. Meanwhile, here is something to keep you amused.....Remember I promised you pretty photos at the start of this? Here you go.
http://www.flickr.com/groups/cottages/ I stumbled upon this site this morning. There are over 4,000 wonderful photos of cottages from all over the world. I have not had time to explore it fully yet, but I think that I am going to be distracted a lot by this site. I want to build at least ten different ones so far.
If you double click the first photo you will get a larger view. If you double click that one, it will take you to the slide show. For those of you that don't know, as well as setting the time of each slide to a number of seconds, you can go down and pause it. Then when you go back up(still on pause) you can stay on each photo as long as you want until you click it to move. No pausing and then clicking it to go again that way.
Have a wonderful day, wandering around the world, dreaming of the next house you are going to build in mini. I know I will....No, wait. I have to finish the Weaver's Workshop.
See you tomorrow.
Congratulations to my favorite team! I KNEW you would win again this year! Best blog on the block!
Stop all of that working and get to the party Casey! You are missing all of the fun!!!!
My most heartfelt congratulations, Casey! I am so very, very happy for you. You work so very hard! You are here 365 days of the year blogging and entertaining us and providing us with fantastic tutorials! I can't ever forget that, dear friend!
Your roof is looking fantastic! So very well done! Thank you so much for the cottage site.
I'm sending you a virtual bottle of champagne and in case you don't drink, I'm sending a case of Dr. Pepper which I know you like. A case of bug bear for Tessie and a bottle of Scotch for Zar. Plus, a huge box of assorted goodies to munch on because I think the party will be an all nighter! Hahaha!
I knew you'd win!!
Kathi, The party came to me. They are all currently in the Weaver's workshop....Painting the walls....And drinking bug beer.
Lucille, thanks for all of the virtual goodies, but the bug beer is not making for neat and tidy painting.....LOL
Congratulations, Casey! Thank you for sharing your wealth of knowledge! :D
congratulations, I read your blog every day, thank you for always being there when I need a smile
have a great party x
Congratulations! i was sure ,too, it would be you...your blog is SIMPLY THE BEST! keep going! and Thank you for all explaining, teaching and writing of tutorials! Best wishes, Anne
Congratulations! What wonderful news. Two years in a row is truly an accomplishment. I have been watching with anticipation to see how your slate turns out. I am considering it for my Victorian house that I have on the drawing boards. Looking forward to see your progress. Here's to another great year of miniatures and blogs.
(raises cyber glass)
Congratulations Casey! Virtual Flowers, Champagne and Chocolates will arrive soon...Hugz Jazzi
Congratulations! Well deserved!
Congratulations. I so enjoy reading your everday adventures. Thank you so much for sharing your world with us.
Congratulations Casey, I hope Tessie won't let it go to her head, but you can :)
Congratulations Casey, here's to many more years of blogging. Cheers!
Congratulations Casey.
Congratulations! Very well deserved.
I only recently found your blog - but I am sure that reading it keeps me sane (or makes me believe I am, anyways *lol*).
So... congratulations - a well-deserved honour indeed.
Congratulations! You deserve it.
Congratulations Casey!
Bye Faby
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