Last year I, er ...I mean Tessie was nominated and won. It meant a lot that people liked what we were doing on the blog. Thank you again for the 2011 award.
I am thrilled to have people nominate the blog again this year and Tessie is already to start enthusiastically campaigning.
As a matter of fact, she already printed out the logo and turned it into a Vote for Tessie sign.
She was even too busy to change clothes before doing it.
This year, she bribed Zar to help. The sign gets heavy after a while.
The method of voting is a little different this year. You still go to the voting page. And you can still only vote once in 24 hours, but this year you can vote through your facebook account, your account or you can just put your e mail addy in the box provided on the page.
I have a feeling that the race is going to be a close one this year, just like last. There are some good people nominated. Just keep the votes coming in every day until March 21, whomever you choose to vote for.
I am sure that Tessie is going to drive us all crazy one way or the other. Win or lose. At least it is keeping her mind off of the house maid's dress for the time being....
Four years ago, tomorrow, I started doing this blog. One day at a time. Literally. I haven't missed a day. There is one day missing somewhere, but that is because Blogger lost it somewhere. Not my fault. One of these days, I will go through every entry and find it. I have all of the entries saved on one of those little plug in thingies that you buy for extra storage. If I do find it, I will put it back where it belongs somehow.
Anyway, it is time for a blog birthday. I am in a quandary. If I have a giveaway, I fear that it will look like a play for votes. I think that I need some input. Do you have any suggestions? Should I wait until after March 21 or do it now? Help!
This is getting a bit long, so I will just leave this as is and add a regular post later today.
Thanks for putting up with my ramblings.
See you later.
Congrats and good luck, fellow nominee!
Congratulations for the award nomination!
Woohoo! Congrats, fellow nominee! :D
I just voted for you!
congratuations on being nominated!
I know where my vote is going... CONGRATS ON THE NOMINATION TESSIE!!! :)
Congratulations on your nomination, Casey! I would just go ahead and have the giveaway in spite of your nomination. After all, whether you had been nominated or not, you would have had it. People will understand that you're not trying to buy votes. You don't need to, anyways. You've worked so hard day after day, year after year! People don't love your blog just because of a few giveaways now and then but because of what you do here! On a daily basis, we're always assured of some form of entertainment from those little characters you created! Not to mention all the wonderful tutorials you have given over the year!
Many Congratulations Casey on being nominated again this year. Good Luck x
I am so happy for you (and Tessie)!
Congratulations once again for having been so faithful this year as well as all of the other years!
I LOVE your blog and visit every single day! :D
Any day you have a give-a-way is a GREAT day!
I vote for both you and a give-away! there was a walker at the track today with a pair of stretch pants on that resembled Tessie's apron.
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