There is a lot to celebrate here today though. Not only is it Valentine's Day, it's also Arizona's 100 birthday. Happy Birthday to the whole state!
Let's see. Other celebrations? We have the base coat on the fire place surround, base and firebox.
It will be ready for bricking and marbling in a couple of hours. I hate damp days!
Tessie wanted to show you that the rug is coming along slowly but surely. Right now, I am not too crazy about it. It looks lumpy, because it has to be blocked and I don't want to do that until more of it is finished. I am not at all sure that I like the pattern with the rest of the living room yet. We shall see.
I took a break in the middle of writing this. There was not a sound in the house but the rain coming down....Oops. I just looked out of the window and it is hailing. It's only about the size of BB shot, but it is definitely hail. It is cold enough for it to be staying on the this rate, we might even have snow. Who knows?
Just to make sure that everything was OK, I went back to where the fireplace was drying....
Walter gifted me with a box of chocolates this morning...It looks like the Terrible Two are celebrating Valentine's Day the usual way. Pilfering can be fun! I may get a piece or two of this if I'm lucky. I just heard Tessie yell, "Come and Get it! Chocolate for everybody!"
Oh well....They can't eat much....I hope....
Post Script.....It is snowing big fat flakes now! Happy Valentine's Day!!!
See you tomorrow.
Happy 100th Birthday to Arizona! Too bad you had to have snow. I remember you also had snow last year but I can't remember what month that was! Happy Valentine's day to you Casey and the terrible two. Enjoy your chocolates. They look delicious! Walter is a good husband!
Oh, my snow! In AZ, that is unusual, isn't it?
Just saw that the state was turning 100, congratulations. :)
I like the rug, it seems to be turning out well.
I am really, really loving this rug.
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