Zar pulled his boots off, not too carefully and was about to take off his pants.
I could tell that he was irritated, so like a fool I asked what was wrong.
"I am thoroughly tired of being called a sissy. I want long pants. Tessie keeps harassing me about wearing bloomers. I found one pair of old leather pants and if you don't tailor me some new ones, I am just going to wear the old ones. And besides, these boots are just plain uncomfortable."
It was too late to coax him into wearing what he had, but I did manage to salvage the boots. I glued them back together and they will be waiting in his closet, should he ever change his mind.
I talked him into keeping the shirt. He hadn't started tearing it to shreds. So it looks like new pants and vest, not to mention the shoes....
OK. I will mention the shoes. I am going to go back to the basics. Who knows how long he will keep them on?
Grab yourself a leather glove and come along. These are the most basic pattern I could make for shoes....Unlike the boots. Those were complicated.
The first step for these are to cut a U shape of flat leather. Hopefully you will find a pair of gloves that are soft and can be manipulated. The one lying over his foot is exactly the same shape as the one that I wrapped around his foot. I put white glue on the back side and pulled and stretched until it fit. I did cut a few little Vs out of the toe edge to make it lay flat, one thickness on the bottom of the foot.
The second piece was cut so the it flairs at the bottom. The top wraps around the ankle with a bit of a gap. You can make these as tall or as short as you wish.
This piece also wraps under the bottom of the foot and the part around the heel gets Vs snipped out of it too so that this piece doesn't overlap anywhere either.
I am not too particular about the tops on these, because they won't be seen, once Zar puts his pants back on.
He banned Tessie from the room whilst we are doing this.....Modesty.
For the soles, I glued a rectangle of leather to the bottom of each shoe. Let the glue dry and then trimmed it to the edge of the shoe.
For the heel, I glued another smaller rectangle to the bottom back of the shoe, covering about one third of the sole. Then trimmed that to match the other piece.
The shoes are now ready for trim. I am not going to do that until I put the clothes on him. I only decorate if it is going to show. Just lazy I guess. I will color the gray lines at the edges with a pigma permanent pen.
Anyway, now I have to go back and make pants and vest. I will show you that part tomorrow.
I have to go shoo Tessie away from the keyhole now. She is snickering at him again. Bad Tessie!
See you tomorrow.
I'm just about ready to make Eugene a vest. Can't wait to see what do. :D
I like Zar's previous vest patten too.
I'll be watching....
Ahhh, comfy shoes, nothing like them in the whole world, I'm jealous.((HUGGS))
Kathi, same vest...Just different leather. Go for it! It is really easy if you use leather or edge the pieces of fabric with white glue so that they won't ravel.
Tessies boots are wonderful! I have just once try to make shoes for spesific doll and it's quite difficult. You have managed very well.
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