I finished all of the molding in the bedroom just this minute. Well, not quite. I still have to go back and fill in corner cracks and repaint a bit here and there.
First I did the rest of the blinds. I didn't like the way that they hung away from the window, so I turned them backwards. They would be hard to roll and unroll this way, but I am not going to move them so who cares. I doubt that anybody will even notice. They are in the farrrrr back of the house. It is almost my arm's length to get them into place.
After that, I laid the rug with Yes glue. Then I proceeded to finish the baseboards.
Incidentally, someone asked the other day, what kind of fabric it was. It is plain upholsterer's cotton velvet. I don't buy the expensive stuff at the dollhouse stores. It is the same thing and when you figure out the price on it, the people that sell it are making a bundle! I go to Hancock's fabrics and rummage through their flat cuts. Much cheaper and half a yard will do several rooms.
Tessie is very excited...."OH!!! I have a place to sleep tonight!" As if she slept outside under a bush every night....
So that's the story up to now. We still have not decided where everything is going in this room....That can wait until I get the touch ups done tomorrow.
See you then.
Wow. That sure is a lot of miter cuts! Looks great!
I see Spike's fancy little bed in the back. I didn't think Tessie would want a DOG in HER room?!
Maybe she is mellowing out a little bit?
Ohhhh that nice, I like much since has stayed. CONGRATULATIONS to you and to Tessie
Such intricacy! I don't know how you do it. Ah, you said you've done it for 30 years?? Tessie's really showing her true colors, imagine kicking a person out of their bed, the NERVE! Crown molding...I'm gonna tackle it, but not looking forward to it. Sooo happy to see the progress on the townhouse!!! mini-((Huggs))
She's doing a little happy dance!
I love the colour on the wall.
I am glad to hear I am not the only one who manages to make the wrong mitre cuts, even though I know what I am doing. I have been doing them all day today and really have to pay attention and have lots of spare lenghts of wood available ;).
Goodness, Casey, you've been working hard today. It must have been so fiddly to install all those blinds and all the woodwork. As you say, it's pretty deep in there. Everything looks just great. And, Queen Tessie will rule over her domain tonight as she settles into her queenly bed and snores the night away! Insert big grin!
Hi Casey. Tessie's bedroom looks
really nice. I hope she has a good
night's sleep.
Room looks really cosy. I like the blinds a lot, looks very real!
It looks fabulous! I think that crown molding is the icing on the cake in a room. Just gives it such a wonderful finish.
I have some stuff for shades I have been saving for a while, yours look great. :)
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