The gift I received in the exchange wasn't a mini, but it has possibilities....It is a potpourri jar with a pewter top, from Williamsburg. It is very pretty and smells good to boot.
I do believe that the top, should I ever desire to do it, could make a very pretty crown for a four poster bed. For now, it is just going to sit, smell good and look pretty.
The other mini that we all got was a choice of paintings printed on fine canvas. I chose "The Hay Wain". It is one of my favorite John Constable paintings. I will have to get to work and put a frame around it soon. I definitely want to hang it somewhere.
While I am showing Christmas gifts, I have to show you the match box that my friend Jo sent me. I couldn't show it earlier because she made several for friends and I didn't want to give it away before they all got theirs.
She made the scene in side from tiny cuts of wood and turned it into a shadow box. Jo said that it was NOT for Tessie....I don't think that she can do anything about keeping it away from her. Tessie is getting quite a collection of minis. All pilfered from me.....
I have been contemplating some furniture moving in our real life bedroom. I mentioned it, in passing, to Walter a couple of days ago.
When I got home from the party, this is what I found. Tessie, Zar and Mookie were rummaging under the bed. As I walked in, all three turned and looked at me accusingly.
Of course, Tessie took the lead, "You've been holding out on us! There are houses under the bed!"
In my defence, they all knew that there was a stash in that location....Sometimes their collective memory is short...
In any case, Mookie is losing interest fast. No Kitty Condos under there.
I am not so sure about the Terrible Two though. Zar found the Greenleaf contest kit from last year. Tessie found the Magnolia.
That's the one that she wanted to turn into Spiderwort Manor a couple of years ago....Nope...Still not started.
Zar is off drawing up plans for a Clockwork Laboratory now, with the Greenleaf kit under his arm, so to speak....
I am going to quickly move the bed and shove both kits back under. Then I am going to hope and pray that they don't find the Harrison kit on the other side....Here's hoping that all will be forgotten by morning....
See you tomorrow.
Does that not depend on you, Casey, whether or not they forget about it? Now, I'm wondering if they will! Only time will tell!
Lucille, I am hoping that they won't remember. Less work for me that way! I really don't need another couple of projects to work on right now...
Well, we all know what will be occupying your time this year..a Harrison, a GL contest kit, and a Magnolia!
Busy hands are happy hands!
Love the scene in the match box from your friend. Lovely!
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