The "she" that I am referring to is.....Altogether now......Tessie!
I am starting on the second floor now. I have to finish the closet first because of the dividing wall between it and the bedroom. That wall is in two sections.
As soon as I got the rod installed in the back and the floor covering in place, she started loading up.
This is the person that seldom carries a purse/bag or ever wears shoes. She crammed five purses into the shelves and put eight pair of shoes on the rack at the bottom.
To her credit, for once she actually hung all of her aprons up. Well, not all. I should say, her most regularly worn aprons. It won't last. She will take them down, one at a time. She will wear said apron for a couple of days and then throw it in the annex. That's where aprons go to either die or get replaced in the closet by me.
She managed to squeeze in various other objects that have nothing to do with wearables....Unless you count the sock monkey that was made of her last pair of socks, before she started going barefoot........I think that was in about 1945.... See how she is holding the shopping bag just over the line? this is her idea of putting new things away. The next step will be to drop it straight down....There it will stay until someone takes the trouble to put it away. It won't be her...
OK the door is now in place. I did notice that the apron that she was wearing yesterday is nowhere in the closet....Off to a good start....
All was good until she got a look in the mirror a little while ago. White paint doesn't match red hair. You should have heard the howling and carrying on!
She is now with her private hair stylist....Remember the last time Zar got a hold of her head? Yup! The electric hair dryer is in play.
If you want to see what happened the first time she was talked into using it, go here. And this is how it was put together...
I am going to be brave and go see what Zar did to her hair this time. I also want to check to see if he is still alive and in one piece....
Then I am going back to work.
See you tomorrow.
Widget is looking very sweet and just asking to be hugged! Tessie's closet is so colourful and interesting with all those cute things you made for her. You certainly produced a lot in one year, Casey. You deserve the Blue Ribbon!
Wow, wish I had Tessie's wardrobe! You really do crank out neat stuff!
Love the walkin closet! So Cool!
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