They are now rethinking the plan... Half of the furniture that they had in the tree is still in the tree...
The trouble is, as soon as they got everything in, people started arriving. There is now a pseudo party going on. So far, there are nine people in that tiny house and Tessie is making noises like she should have a larger party place!
This one isn't even finished yet. They didn't finish the woodwork or the window trim inside. They are very sneaky. On the top floor, they covered one window with the tree. They shoved a chair in front of the opposite window. The middle window now has a fireplace in front of it...At least they didn't try for a real fire in it. No chimney is involved...
In the bottom, both windows are just holes in the wall. I am going to attempt to shoo everybody out later and put the frames around the windows. This may be a difficult procedure, since I will be shooing nine people, two dogs and a tiger out of the house...You have heard the saying, " Harder than herding cats...".
Anyway, as things stand, the pre party has started. Maybe after I bake some more cookies, I can put out a plate of those and lure them out.
Wish me luck! I am also still knitting....
See you tomorrow.
Boy, that Tessie and Zar sure work fast, don't they? Anyways, everybody seems to be having a good time. That's the main thing! LOL! Have fun with your knitting, Casey. I need to go out to do last minute shopping and I'm not too brave because it's slippery out there. Oh, well, I'm used to it.
Nice party you have there. I like your blog with very creative and hard working dolls. They are cute!
Wow you sure are busy, hope the socks gets finished in time!!!
Have a lovely Christmas
Oh, those party animals!
Are you sure you want to put your precious fingers in that "Party House"? I guess I would be afraid of pulling back bloody stumps, maybe you have a way with Tessie, but she just scares me. Good luck anyway trying to finish her job, maybe she will understand you're just trying to help.
It's getting closer and closer to Christmas and not much is done around here, it still feels like September, we here in California haven't seen any rain in months. Still raining there?? God bless and keep you. ((HUGGS))
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