Since I had all of the stuff out to make shaped objects like the umbrella, I decided to try out a fancy doggy bed. I think that it was Neman-Marcus that had one similar to this in their Christmas catalog one year.
I have seen a lot of different versions, but never tried to do this particular style. If you enlarge the photos, you can get the measurements that I used. You might want to do a different size, so I am not going into a lot of particulars.
Mine is 2 1/4" square, with a peaked roof. I used foam core for the base and illustrtion board for the bottom sides. I cut the four squares and then cut the fancy door from one of them.
I then measured up a ways from the top edge and drew an s curve from the top corner to the top center. After that, I cut four from index cards and glued the bottom part of them to the illustration board squares.
I covered the base with batting and then with fabric. That measures 2 1/4 by2 1/8".
I didn't get too fancy because I didn't want to waste good material if it didn't work. It did and I will probably do it again with fancy stuff.
I covered the side pieces with fabric, wrapping the front around to the back. Then covering the back with another piece of fabric, I trimmed that close to the edge.
Then I curled the top part into the S shape.
I glued two of the side panels to opposite sides of the foam core on the longer sides. Then I glued the other two sides to the shorter sides, thus covering the corners.
I pinned and taped the edges together to hold them in place until the glue dried.
All that was left was the decorating. I ran braid along the seams and around the door frame. I used sequin pins to fasten on the feet and the top decoration. I glued another gold finding over the door.
Spike has been in it the rest of the morning. Tessie is insisting that I make it again....Only she wants it larger. She is thinking four poster bed with the canopy in that shape. She doesn't want much.....We shall see.
All together now...."Tessie, don't hold your breath!"
See you tomorrow.
6 comments: Arabian Nights bed might be fun at that. But of course, that would make it necessary to have a proper house to put it in. Something very exotic. Romantic. Ok scratch romantic, Tessie's not into that..but it could be exotic?
Oh yeah..Spike's house rocks!
I like! It's a good idea for the pet shop of my niece.
Bye Faby
Very nice tutorial, Casey. Thank you. I must say I absolutely adore that little dog. It's just too cute!
Sweet doggie house. Gotta LUV it!! Tessie is very lucky to have a friend like you. Have you mentioned to her it's gonna be Christmas again?? You had a party for her a couple of years ago...gonna do it again??? Huggs to Tessie and Zar. P.S.(I'm a happy camper, got my laptop back, but still stumped on my Brookfield staircase that I turned around and am making into a "L" shaped with a landing, do you have a tutorial for that??)
No Jean, no tutorial for that, but you might look at the Clockwork Cottage for ideas. That has an L shaped staircase. I don't think it will help much, but maybe....
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